Sunday, August 26, 2007

I Got One! shirt for brides

Love the Game Over wedding shirt? Wait till you see the I Got One! bridal shirt for sale at Cafe Press. Want to labor the point? Get this on a sweatshirt, a hoodie, a notebook, postcards, button, wall clock, apron (see - getting a man can sometimes come at a price) but not, surprisingly, the usual thong. Check out the full range of merchandise here at Cafe Press.


Anonymous said...

It's hard to say what's worse about this shirt: the utterly stupid concept, or the poor quality of the drawing. (Perhaps an eight-year-old drew it?) It saddens me that anyone would wear this!

Anonymous said...

No thong?



Riona said...

Hello Twistie!

Anonymous said...

My favorite giveaway for weddings will be pocket business card holders. I'd like to give that shirt to the in-laws. haha.

staush said...

It looks like the stick-bride "got" a poor rendering of a Full House-era John Stamos. To each their own, I suppose, but I certainly wouldn't be bragging about it.

Also, I'm pretty sure that font comes standard on all Windows PCs. I can't justify paying CafePress prices for decent graphic design, much less that crap.

Anonymous said...

heh...too, too funny. The scary thing is that I know a few people that would actally like that thing...

Anonymous said...

I think it's cute in my twisted way because I see it as suggesting men are objects or animals to be caught, while also ridiculing women as annoyingly marriage-obsessed. See? Everyone's lampooned equally!

Gods, that is horrible quality art right there.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's just me but I think it's pretty funny

Anonymous said...

What I can't understand is I can draw light years better than this and I have a hard time selling anything. Why does shit like this ever sell?

Wedding Tiaras said...

The image does make me laugh it reminds me of women who are looking to bag someone rich and want to brag about it to their friends.

wedding tiaras said...

Very funny!

Anonymous said...

Funny thing - I had 60 of these made and put them all in the gift bags at my wedding. Everyone LOVED them. I'm sorry you guys are BITTER - but it's FUNNNNNNNNNY - the concept is funny the drawing is funny - and 60 pp wore this. you women need to relax it's a wedding not a funeral - it's suppose to fun with laughs. Get out of your BOXES! A tshirt shouldn't bring this much emotion to ANYONE! Wackos

cufflinks said...

Brightened my day!

adv said...

You need to check out these guys - My sister used them for her weddings. They are AMAZINNNG !! Cover all of the UK too. And if your not 100% happy with their work they will give you a FULL refund.
